Mass of St. Monica (2022) Digital CD
Mass of St. Monica (2022) Digital CD
The Mass of St. Monica with Propers for 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - DIGITAL
This is the digital version of the CD (including digital album cover art) available for instant download. You can enjoy all the tracks on your computer, iPod, iPhone, or other MP3 compatible device. The tracks will sync with iTunes and most other popular music libraries. Once purchased, you will be sent a link to download the entire CD as well as the album cover art.
Paul Jernberg, composer and director*
Cor Unum Chorale
Priest: The Rev. Alfredo Porras
*(except where otherwise indicated)
Introit with Verses: The Lord said
Lord, Have Mercy
Glory to God
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 16 You are my inheritance
Offertory Chant: Out of the depths
Preface and Dialogue**
Holy, Holy, Holy
Anamnesis A
Anamnesis C
Lamb of God (Mass of St. John)
Communion Chant: Amen, I say to you
I Saw Water
Communion Antiphon: Beata viscera
Guest conductor: David Hughes
Memorare for Lent
O Bone Jesus
Composer: Marc Antonio Ingegneri
Otche Nash
Composer: Nikolai Kedrov
**This priest chant melody is from the Roman Missal, 3rd Edition