Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Full Score)
Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Full Score)
Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Full Score
Full Score of the music to follow Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven - The Sacred Liturgy.
Paul Jernberg, Composer, with selections by Roman Hurko and others
52 pages
Read the blog post series on “Repertoire” to learn more about the sung parts of the Mass.
Musical Score
Introit: Look to your covenant, O Lord
Penitential Act
Lord, have mercy
Glory to God
Reading Responses
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 83
Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Dialogue & Conclusion
Universal Prayer (English)
Offertory Chant: You will save the humble people
Invitation to Prayer
Prayer over the Offerings
Preface Dialogue
Holy, Holy, Holy
Anamnesis (Memorial Acclamation)
Doxology & Amen
The Lord’s Prayer
Sign of Peace
Lamb of God
Invitation to Communion
Communion Antiphon: That which I tell you in the dark
Communion Meditation: The Beatitudes
Prayer after Communion
Concluding Rites
Marian Hymn: We Fly Unto You Heart of Compassion
Closing Hymn: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven